Ken Davis passed away on August 15, 2005 after a very brief illness. Anyone who knew Ken, knew of his unique personality, his unedited conversation and his love for his work. Ken was what we called a “true engineer” one that would spend endless hours trying to solve some engineering phenomena and eagerly await the next challenge. There were times when he so thoroughly enjoyed his work, that he wouldn’t charge the client – feeling that it was he who benefited from the experience.
It was no wonder why Ken became so well known in his field of expertise. He used to say he “painted things called Power System Designs” and often couldn’t figure out why the world wasn’t equally intrigued by a single line diagram of a complex substation. Ken’s work was truly an art of the profession. He took great pride in being a Professional Engineer and encouraged others to do the same.
If you were lucky enough to be accepted within his circle, you’d be showered with his experiences and love of teaching. Stuck on a subject? He’d immediately provide you with a book. Need more information? He’d find a way of getting it. Ken would push you, just as he pushed himself, to learn whatever subject needed to be mastered. Young engineers worshiped him, and the older appreciated his vast knowledge and perseverance.
Some of Ken’s accomplishment included:
- Westinghouse Engineer & Lecturer
- Power System Studies and Design
- As a “Power System Specialist” and Division Manager for the entire Pacific Region, Ken developed and became the Lecturer on a number of courses in Power System Analysis, Testing & Commissioning, and Electrical Maintenance.
Ken was responsible for the preparation of Power System Studies at Military Bases Internationally. Some of his favorite accomplishments were Pearl Harbor Shipyard, Clark Air Base Philippines, Trident Submarine Base Washington, Subic Bay Shipyard Philippines, C & H Sugar Hawaii, the Naval Station complex in San Diego and Hester Industries (now Conagra Foods) in West Virginia.
Ken will be sorely missed by his friends, family, and clients.